
FYTD:YOH Chapter 10

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Finding Your True Destiny, Your Other Half.

Chapter 10 - Run.

Child's Pov.

I woke up in Giovanni's Office. I stare at the ceiling wondering if last night was all but a dream when I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I crane my neck to see.

"P-Persian! Get off me you daft Kitty!" He hears me and turns to jump off, flicking his tail in my face. It makes me chuckle. "Stop! It tickles!". I rub the last bit of sleep off my eyes.

"So your awake then Kiddo?" I hear.

I sit up. He has a smile on his face which is awkward.

"Da-Mas-Fa..." Crap I'm so confused!

"Come on! Up and at-em! You're not thinking last night was a dream are you?" Giovanni Says.

"No!" I reply.

He ruffles through my hair then turn's to get Persian a bowl of fresh milk.

I watch silently.

"Can I go play with Big Sis before breakfast Father?"

"Big- Oh you mean Agent Domino?"

I smile.

"Yyyyyuuup!" I say.

He looks at me for a while. A blank expression on his face.

"Hmmm...Okay then." He says. I was surprised! I thought he was going to say no suddenly immediately!

I put my cap & trainers on and leave.

What I didn't hear was Giovanni speak into a walkie-talkie to Agent 009.

"Domino...Yes she's on her way...not a word about you know what, you understand!"
Meanwhile In Pallet Town...

Ash's Pov.

The sunlight sliced into the room which made me burst open my eyes. I looked around the room with a start and realised it wasn't mine! Dammit! I fell asleep with Misty!

I look down to her. She's fast asleep in my arms. I feel like I should wake her but...she's so darn cute like that. Wait what am I thinking! Pull yourself together Ketchum, Misty's your friend, okay maybe your BEST friend but that IT!

With all my fidgeting I hardly realise Misty starting to stir.

Misty Pov.

I've got such a great pillow. It's really nice of Mrs.K to lend me the guest room...Wait...Did I actually get to bed yesterday?... I remember Caterpies...then Ash then...then...



...God! 0_0!

I open my eyes. Ok, so it wasn't a comfy pillow, it was Ash's shoulder! Oh no! I can't believe I fell asleep on Ash!

I sit up start and try to control my blush.

"Err...Ash?" I realise his in deep thought so I do the thing I'm most famous for.

"OW" "Misty?"

"You didn't reply T_T"

"So you punch me!"

"Yes ¬_¬." I say heat rushing to my face.

Ash turns away from me but I can tell his blushing.

"We should-err...go downstairs and wash up."

"Umm yeah" I agree. "Umm Ash?"

He gets up folding away the blanket that was upon us the night before.

"Yeah Mist?"

"...Thanks." Aaaa! I sound like a little kid!

"No problem." He croaks out. "I'm...uh gonna go to my room now, meet ya downstairs?"

I nod though he doesn't look at me. I get up and get dressed.

Ash's Pov.

I ignored Misty's attempts for small talk. I actually wasn't really listening. My mind kept wondering about the dream I had. I dreamt I was around 2 or 3 or so and I was at the pond behind our house and I was with my Mom. In my dream something bright blue caught my eye above the pond, though it wasn't the pond itself. It seemed to be above the pond.

I know it was just a dream but I couldn't help but think, it all seemed so familiar...
Back At T.R HQ:

In Child's Pov.

"Domino! Domino! Dom where are you?"

"Over here!" I hear a voice yell.

Just as I thought she was in the garden tending to some black tulips. I see various Rocket Grunt's Oddish, Vileplume & Gloom wondering around. They seem to be happy playing in the flowerbeds.

"Hiya Domino! What's new?"

"Well firstly, Domino's not my name you know!"

"-Yeah, yeah you say that but I'm still gonna call ya Domino!"

"And secondly, look what I caught!"

I look and behind her is a very shy looking Venonat.

"Aww how cute!"

"Yup just caught her this morning! Kinda frisky weren't cha lil guy!"

The Venonat shuffles silently.

"Err...were still working on the confidence thing!" Domino said with her arm behind her head.

I teardrop. "I see..."

We look at each other for a few moments and burst out laughing.

Domino returns her newly caught Venonat to her Pokéball.

I'm still laughing but Domino is looking around cautiously.

I decide to stop laughing. "Err...Domino? Is something wrong?"

She looks at me and kneels down to my height. I can see the fear in her eyes and I can recognise it at once, it's the fear I have in my eyes when Giovanni threatens me.

"Sis you're scaring me..."

She lays her hands on top of my shoulders gently.

" have gotta get outta here. You understand? Get out. Get out before it's too late!" She whispers quietly to make sure no-one can hear us but her tone is still deadly serious.


"You know that the Boss is your Daddy right?"

My eyes widen in shock and slightly in horror.

"How can you possibly know that! No-one knows that!" I don't raise my voice because this is my secret! How does she know?

I try to get out of her grasp but her grip tightens.

"You must run from Giovanni! I can't stop the Team Rocket Grunt's from chasing after you but I'll do my best!"

"STOP!" I yell.

"M-m-my Daddy loves me!" I whisper my voice breaking.

Domino slaps me on the cheek, though not as hard as Giovanni would have done yet it still stings.

"Think about it kid! Do you even remember how you ended up in Team Rocket? Do you remember before your Father started hitting you when he got angry?"

I look into her eyes, the fear is gone and she too is on the verge of crying.

"Do you even remember your Mother?"

I gasp. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I won't let them.

"Giovanni is just planning to hurt you more. You've gotta run. Don't worry nobody knows that you're the daughter of Giovanni, not even Jessie & James."


"Listen, today is the best day to run, your Dads hired most of us for a raid tonight."

"But where would I even-"

"I'm not sure where but anywhere from here is good. The forest is big, your friends with most of the wild Pokémon right? Don't worry you'll be fine. You're a tough Kid."

I look down at the floor.

"Black Tulip?" I whisper and close my eyes.


"Do you remember your mother?"

She pauses and I hear her get up.

"I already know who my mom and dad are, did some research ya see."

" who are they?" I open my eyes again.

She smiles at me; it's one of those kind smiles the ones I'm not used too after living in the shadow of Team Rocket all my life.

"There's no need to worry yourself about that." Her face goes all serious once more.

"Just run away from here."


Domino gets her radio from her belt. "West Garden...yes I am with her Sir...Yes...No I haven't told "that"...Yes...I'm sure...Right away Boss, received and understood, over and out."

She turns back to me and holds out her hand.

"Come on Kiddo, your Dad wants to go see ya."

I take her hand and we start walking back to Father's Office, though I cannot get the image of the fears in her eyes out of my head.
Back In Pallet Town.

Normal/No-One's Pov.

Delia Ketchum's left eye had been twitching for the past two minutes. Ash, Misty and the others had been eating there breakfast in total silence and it was driving her mad.

She coughed suddenly. Brock looked up.

"Oh, um great breakfast Mrs.K!"

Dawn had now looked up. "Yeah it's just superb!"

Misty had been stabbing her fork into the food until Brock elbowed her.

"Oh, sorry Delia, I was just thinking about...something..." Misty said looking up.

Delia now had a proud smile splashed onto her face.

"No worries dear! I'm glad you all like the food." She said whilst looking at everyone.

The smile had instantly melted when she got to her son.

"Ash? Sweetie what's wrong? You've hardly touched your plate?"

Ash gave no reply. He just sat in his chair staring at his plate.

"Ash? Is something wrong?" Dawn said.

Still no answer.

Misty had been deliberately avoiding his eye-contact after what happened last night, no-one would ever listen to Dawn so it was up too Brock to snap him out of his trance.

"Ash? Ash! Hey Ash hellllo~~ Anyone home?" (A/N: Oh very heroic.)

Ash had now looked up from his plate. Delia gasped as she saw her son's eyes glazed over like he was in some sort of trance.

He slowly got up and tucked his chair in.

"I'm gonna go outside for a while...I'm not that hungry..." Ash said, still giving no-one eye contact.

"What do ya think that was all about?" Dawn asked.

No-one answered her. (A/N: Well duh Dawn use your brain for once! Nobody knows!)

"Well something big must be bugging him; he never turns down free food!" Brock said.
Outside Giovanni's Office.

Still Child's Pov.

We both stand outside the door. We both pause for a moment when I make the motion to enter. Domino stop's me.

"Your Daddy said I gotta go in first. You can come inside in a couple of minutes okay?"

"Okay." I reply.

I watch her go in and lean against the door. I cannot hear anything as the doors are made of thick fire-proof wood…But that won't stop me from trying! ^_~

In Giovanni's Office, Normal/No-One's Pov:

"Yes Sir?" Domino said.

"You've told her haven't you?" Came the cold reply.

"No Sir! I haven't!"

"Are you sure you can trust your life with that statement?"

Domino gulped.

"Yes." Her voice wavers.

Giovanni chuckled cruelly. "Very well, I'll keep that in mind."

The orange-suited man looked down at the 16 year old blonde girl in front of him. She was looking down at the floor, unable to meet his cold glaze.

"You know Domino...You shouldn't have stuck your nose into other people's business when it was not needed..." He said in a sickly-sweet voice.

Domino did not know how to act.

"I may know your daughters secret but I won't harm her!"

Giovanni chuckled at this.

"Very well." His tone suddenly started to get serious. "But remember, she thinks herself as only an 8 or 10 year old. Now go bring her in."

Domino hadn't got rid of her gaze on the floor. She nodded and made to turn to the exit.

"I won't harm her, unlike you Sir." She whispered.

Pallet Town. Ash's Pov.

I made my way to the pond outside my house absent-mindedly. I bent down and sat on the grass bank outlining the pond. Making sure not to fall in. It was this pond...I was around 2 or 3 when...that thing...

"Why was that dream so familiar?" I said to my reflection. "It's gotta be important, why else would it bug me for so long? Or am I just getting paranoid?"

"I can answer that." Came a dreamy voice.

I open my eyes to see my reflection, in the water I can see Misty's face looking at me.

Wait did I just think that Misty's voice was dreamy?

I crane my head around to meet her eyes.

Misty sighs and sits down next to me, taking her trainers off and dipping her feet into the pond.

"You're just paranoid." She says bluntly, though I know she's only joking. She looks at me. "What's on your mind Ash? You've kinda creeped out everyone at home. I think Brocks having a heart attack and your Mom seems kinda worried about you."

"Oh does she..."

"And so am I."

I look at her surprised. She's turned her gaze back to the water but I think I can see her blushing.

"I'm sorry Mist, it's just...I have a lot on my mind right now." Including how I feel about you Mist-Waaa! Wait what am I thinking! There I go again just like last night!

Misty must have seen me shake my head coz she spoke again.


"Uh, yeah?"

"You can tell me ya know."

I give her a smile and she blushes. I think it's kinda cute!

"It's just you ever have something on your mind that it keeps you awake all night?"

She agrees with me. "Yeah every night..."


"Yeah..." She looks at me and I can feel heat rushing to my face.

We both turn our attention to the water suddenly. I see some Goldeen and Seaking swirling around. Suddenly the colour's mix together.

My eyesight starts going blurry.

"Uh Misty?"

The last thing I hear is her voice talking about something when everything goes black and I collapse on something soft.

Misty's Pov.

I started talking to Ash again once I looked back to the pond. I was about to tell him that it was him that keeps me up all night when he suddenly fell onto my lap!

"A-ash?" No response, that's when I try to shake him, I realise his fallen into a deep sleep and I remember that he didn't get much sleep yesterday because something was bothering him. I sigh and stroke his hair, he starts mumbling something. I try to make out the words.

"'t be...come back...come back..." I can now hear Ash snoring lightly. It makes me smile.

Child's Pov.

Their voices were faded and the only thing I could make out was Domino saying Yes Sir or No Sir. Great (!) "Now go bring her in." I heard my Dad say. I shuffled out from my spot and jumped up, dusting myself off. I heard footsteps coming my way and Domino appeared at the doorway.

"Uh-Um-He Domino!" I coolly said. Yeah she'll never suspect I was ears-dropping!

"Uh...O...Kay..." She replied with a confused look. "You can go in now."

"What about you?"

"Oh I gotta go...train."

"Oh, okay...Working on that Venonat right!" I noticed as she said the last word's her mind seemed to wonder.

She gave me no answer but instead smiled.

I looked as she left, Dad then coughed.

"Oh, hey, what were you talking to Domino about?" I said as I entered.

"That is no concern to you!" I looked at him. Shocked by his change of voice.

"I mean...nothing to worry your pretty little head about!" He said whilst ruffling my hair. I hate it when he does that.

"I'm planning a dinner tonight. We could have a feast...You can also bring that "Domino" Kid your always talking about."

I can't believe what I'm hearing! Could Dad ACTUALLY be nice for once? Then reality hit me as images of Domino's speech flashed before my eyes.

"You gotta get outta there!" "His going to hurt you! He'll kill you!"

I look Giovanni in the eye. "Of course, I'll ask her later! I'm gonna go wonder about for a bit then-"

"The Ground Floor Lab is off limits." His steel voice cut through the air leaving a pained silence.

I knew he'd only be nice for a day or so before he goes back to the normal Giovanni us Rocketeers know off.

I turn around to meet him. He looks at me surprisingly.

"Aaa...Sorry about that Child. I don't know what came over me." He says with a worried face. Is...Is he apologizing to me?

I laugh nervously. "It's okay. I'll see you later then." I say though the last sentence sounds more like a question. He nod's quickly and I leave to find Domino. I gotta find out what else she knows. But...should I leave? Giovanni's just starting to be nicer, this is the longest his been nice to me...but then again it could all be just a trick...and he might start drinking again soon...

I've made up my mind:

If I'm ever gonna leave...

                                  It's gonna be tonight.
Chapter ten of Finding Your True Destiny, Your Other Half.
Pokemon AshXMisty FanFic.

Ash Ketchum has alway's been told his Destiny await's him...But how will he react when he find's it and his other half? Plus Giovanni's back with his worst weapon yet-Ash's other half!

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